It’s Cats and Dogs Out There!


Cat and Dog Techs Argue
Watch the video here or on Linked-In

Imagine walking toward a senior engineer’s desk and hearing him arguing with your MSP’s engineer about a migration project. Migrations are often tense, but with a good plan it should go smoothly. When it doesn’t there should be a well-documented back-out plan. Your engineers shouldn’t have to fight for long-term, accurate service and support from your vendors.Zerowait’s team works closely with our customers to make sure that we understand their goals, problems and schedules to determine the best way to complete the project on-time and within their budget. For over 30 years, Zerowait has been supporting our customers’ network and storage infrastructures, earning a reputation for generational reliability.

SimplStor Solves Problems

Whether you are looking for Hardware Service and support, transferable licensed NetApp systems or a custom built SimplStor Storage solution that perfectly matches your performance or workflow needs. Zerowait is your answer.

For more information, please give us a call at +1 302-996-9408 or email us at

More than 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429


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How We Got Here



Over the holidays one of my friends who is in the process of starting her own business asked me about starting Zerowait and how we kept so many customers for a decade or more.

There wasn’t any rocket science to it. Looking back, it was pretty simple. Way back in 1989, my friends and I were complaining to each other about how bad the technical support was from some California switch manufacturers, and I started imagining how I would do it differently.

Since then, our team has built a great business that we enjoy which provides our customers with the essential products and services they need. And–bonus points–along the way we have made many great friendships, which is the most important aspect of any business, IMO.


Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy,
Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429


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Zerowait Corporation Monthly </p> <p>Updates

Small Business Advantages

There are many advantages that a small business like Zerowait provides our customers when compared to the big Silicon Valley corporations, but I want focus today on these three: product quality, superior service, and customer focus.

Zerowait Provides Better Quality

We recognized long ago that no two customer’s networks or storage are the same. Our customers trust Zerowait to design network storage solutions that meet their workflow and performance requirements, instead of requiring workarounds and third-party solutions to implement a new or upgraded storage infrastructure. A big company tends to create solutions to meet as many customers’ needs with as few variations as possible—cookie cutter technology. A smaller company can offer solutions that fit perfectly. Plus, we don’t force obsolescence. Our “Generational Architecture” provides our customers with hardware solutions and support that often exceeds 10 years.

Zerowait Provides Superior Customer Service

If you are tired of calling technical support and getting asked the same questions repeatedly before you get a non-answer, then you will appreciate the answers from our engineering and support team. Our team goes out of their way to make certain that our customers are satisfied. There are no levels of management between the support engineer and the President of the company. If there is an urgent problem, the escalation process is short and quick compared to big companies. Just ask our customers and they will tell you.

Zerowait Is Focused

Zerowait’s customers know they can trust us and that their issues will be addressed without the run around. Our goal is to build a sustainable long-term relationship. We know most of our customers by name and we want them to be successful. We don’t base our sales and support approach on quarterly numbers or stock market value. Zerowait can focus on tailoring our solutions to customers’ unique needs. Our engineers provide well-considered answers, instead of corporate talking points. As a small business we consider our customers friends, and we go the extra mile to make sure they are satisfied. In many cases, our customers and engineers have been working together for over 20 years.

Our goal is to build a long-term trusting relationship with our customers. Zerowait has been serving customers for over three decades. During that time, we’ve seen many Silicon Valley companies taken over or closing. This year we are building storage solutions that we are expecting to still be in service in 2035. How many big companies take that view of their products?

For more information, please give us a call at +1 302-996-9408 or email us at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429

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Generational Architecture Avoids Migration Fatigue


Great Machines Built to Last
1935 Ford Truck – Built to Last 

If you need long-term, stable storage hardware and want to avoid the headaches of forced hardware and data migrations, Zerowait’s SimplStor provides a long-term, reliable solution. Several of our SimplStor customers have had their equipment running for 10 years or more and avoided the migration fatigue and costs of OEM forced migrations. Plus, with expert third-party support, our customers with NetApp filers see similar results.On-Premises, Cloud, Colo, and Hybrid SolutionsThere are a lot of options available to design a storage infrastructure: no single solution fits every organization’s requirement, budget, and IT philosophy. SimplStor came about due to requests from our NetApp support customers for a way to avoid the costs and lock-in/ upgrade cycles of big Silicon Valley vendors. We work with our customers to match their workflow, performance, security, and engineering requirements as closely as possible to avoid costly work arounds, migrations, and data wrangling.

The Zerowait ROI Paradigm Shift

Zerowait’s ten-year infrastructure offering changes customers’ view of ROI and the value of their infrastructure investment strategy. With our stable support cost model for a long-term hardware storage solution, our customers can invest their engineering time and budget dollars on other aspects of their infrastructure.

We believe it is simpler to do it right the first time. Once our team understands the application and the specifics, we will build a solution that will last a long time. We have many systems that have been running and supported for well over a decade, and they are still running reliably. Our storage systems are built better to last longer.

Say Goodbye to Data Migration Fatigue

No matter where your Server Farm is located, the Zerowait team will help you design, build and maintain your NetApp or SimplStor storage for the long-term. Contacting us today can save you many sleepless nights over the next decade!

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in discussing, please give us a call at +1 302-996-9408 or email us at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429


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Third-Party Cloud Service: What’s the Reality?



Recently, I was in suburban Dallas talking over lunch with an old customer who has both on-premises and cloud-based storage. He painted a picture of how his Cloud / COLO salesperson sold the data center and services to him. The prices were affordable, their engineers and services were great, and the facility was just amazing. It sounded like paradise.The reality was somewhat different. The expected time and cost savings evaporated as a result of unexpected compatibility issues, service and support problems and incomprehensible billing.

Old MacDonald's Server Farm
Old MacDonald’s Server Farm:
With a quack- quack here and a pigsty there, E I E I OMG!

Of course, it wasn’t as extreme as Old MacDonald’s Server Farm shown above, but it was bad enough that he now planned to slowly migrate most of his infrastructure back to his facilities, only keeping things like email with a cloud service provider. He still needed a remote data center for back up and DR, and wanted to talk to our engineering team about a plan to bring things back on-premise and get control of his costs and QoS for his employees and customers.

On-Premise. You know exactly where your data is! Every customer must evaluate their costs based on their own perceived risks and rewards. Zerowait engineers can help your team build in the reliability and predictability needed to provide long-term benefits to any organization. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in discussing, please give us a call at +1 302-996-9408 or email us at


Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy,
Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429


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Third-Party Cloud Service: What’s the Reality?


Cloud Dreams
Cloud Storage Dreams as pitched by the Marketing Department 

Recently, I was in suburban Dallas talking over lunch with an old customer who has both on-premises and cloud-based storage. He painted a picture of how his Cloud / COLO salesperson sold the data center and services to him. The prices were affordable, their engineers and services were great, and the facility was just amazing. It sounded like paradise.The reality was somewhat different. The expected time and cost savings evaporated as a result of unexpected compatibility issues, service and support problems and incomprehensible billing.

Old MacDonald's Server Farm
Old MacDonald’s Server Farm:
With a quack- quack here and a pigsty there, E I E I OMG!

Of course, it wasn’t as extreme as Old MacDonald’s Server Farm shown above, but it was bad enough that he now planned to slowly migrate most of his infrastructure back to his facilities, only keeping things like email with a cloud service provider. He still needed a remote data center for back up and DR, and wanted to talk to our engineering team about a plan to bring things back on-premise and get control of his costs and QoS for his employees and customers.

There's no place like home!
On-Premise. You know exactly where your data is!

Every customer must evaluate their costs based on their own perceived risks and rewards. Zerowait engineers can help your team build in the reliability and predictability needed to provide long-term benefits to any organization. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in discussing, please give us a call at +1 302-996-9408 or email us at


Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy,
Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429


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Navigating Business Turbulence: Zerowait As Your Co-Plot


Fly the Plane
Navigating Business Turbulence: Zerowait as Your Co-Pilot

There’s a golden rule in aviation: “No matter what happens, fly the plane.” This wisdom, imparted by my flight instructor Everitt years ago, applies equally to business crises. When turbulence hits your company, staying focused on your core operations while addressing the problem at hand is key.

Just as clear skies can suddenly turn stormy for pilots, businesses must always be prepared for unexpected challenges. Recently, we encountered a situation where a company’s primary internet carrier went down for over a week. The carrier’s off-shored technical support proved unresponsive, disregarding service level agreements and quality guarantees. What began as an inconvenience quickly escalated into a full-blown crisis.

This incident exposed weaknesses in the company’s disaster recovery plan. Despite having backup systems in place, decades old adjustments and workarounds created unforeseen complications. The extended downtime pushed previously tested contingency plans to the limit, revealing critical gaps.

As problems multiplied, maintaining business continuity became paramount. Different departments competed for limited IT resources, each with their own priorities. Remote workers needed access to CRM and accounting systems, while on-site staff struggled with compromised analytical tools essential for customer support and manufacturing.

In this storm of technical issues, Zerowait Engineering stepped in as the experienced co-pilot. Our engineering team worked tirelessly, including late nights and weekends, to patch systems and document problems. They helped prioritize critical business functions, ensuring users’ needs were met despite the ongoing crisis.

The resolution involved demoting the unreliable primary carrier and elevating the secondary to primary status. While some turbulence remains, we’re systematically addressing each issue, and filing detailed service difficulty reports to prevent future occurrences.

When your business finds itself amid a networking and storage storm, remember: Zerowait is here to help you navigate the turbulence. Our experienced team knows how to keep your operations airborne and guide you to a safe landing, no matter how rough the conditions.

With Zerowait as your technical co-pilot, you can face any IT crisis with confidence, knowing we’ll help you maintain altitude and emerge stronger on the other side.

To provide our customers with outstanding NetApp and SimplStor hardware solutions our team is required to be experts in networking, storage, and security. If you need technical help with an unexpected problem, please give us a call at +1 302-996-9408 or email us at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429


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Need Immediate Tech Support?


Focus on Quality
Need immediate technical support? We can help!

Over the last month we have been working with a customer that had a member of their networking and Linux storage team suddenly leave their company. This left them shorthanded and without a clear path to pick up the pieces of the nationwide migration project they were working on. Our engineering team has been working with the customer for over 10 years, and offered to help them while they try to fill the position. They readily accepted our offer.

Via numerous Zoom calls with the customer’s technical team, we have been identifying and working through their storage, networking, and security issues. Our engineers are experienced technical experts in their specialties, and they work diligently to solve problems, document their work, and make certain that our customer understands how to monitor and maintain the solution when we turn over the work.

Even after the hand-off, our team remains at your service. Whether it’s answering questions or providing further guidance, we are always ready to assist. Our goal is to be there for you, especially when you are shorthanded, and to assist your new employee to come up to speed as smoothly as possible.

To provide our customers with outstanding NetApp and SimplStor hardware solutions our team is required to be experts in networking, storage and security. If you need technical help with an unexpected problem, please give us a call at +1 302-996-9408 or email us at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!


Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429


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Expertise is a Force Multiplier


Focus on Quality

Cool, Competent, Committed!

External threats, aging infrastructures, personnel changes and limited budgets all affect your team’s ability to find a solution to an unexpected problem. Zerowait’s team will listen to your problem and tell you whether we can fix it, or not. Our engineers focus on finding you a reliable solution quickly, which sometimes takes the commitment to work an all-nighter.

Over the last few months, we have been working with a customer who had a misconfigured storage device that affected their inventory and operations systems. This customer ships out thousands of orders per day and these systems are critical to their business. Over the last couple of years, the customer experienced rapid business growth, network configuration changes, and infrastructure upgrades. Since the staff was also changing during all this, documentation was incomplete.

Our engineering team helped them create a list of the issues and interconnections between them and worked with the customer to prioritize the application of solutions. Creating the list and priorities also helped build documentation that can be referenced in future when troubleshooting. During this process we uncovered that the root cause was from legacy configurations, which were corrected. We also included reporting tools to help them avoid similar problems in the future.

Zerowait’s team is committed to providing reliable long-term solutions to our customers. We know what has worked in the past and can mine our database of solutions that we have provided from our over three decades of solving networking, infrastructure, and data storage problems to help resolve your issues.

If you are looking for an engineering services company that will solve your problems today and provide long-term reliable solutions the Zerowait team may have the talent and experience, you are looking for. Please contact us if you are looking for a reliable engineering solutions provider. Give us a call at +1 302-996-9408 or email us at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429


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Can You Fix It? Yes, We Can!

Finding Solutions

Can You Fix It? Yes, We Can!

When your team encounters a problem that affects your ability to store and access your critical data, there is a good chance that Zerowait has already solved a similar problem. We will listen to your situation and provide an honest, straightforward recommendation to fix the issue.

For example, last month I was in Virginia talking to a customer about networking and permissions problems that were affecting their global network, storage, and operations efficiency. Prior to my visit, our engineers and the customer had several months of conversations to uncover the root causes of the problem and help them devise a solution.

The customer experienced a rapid series of personnel changes, a departmental restructuring of architectural responsibility, and some hardware changes. While working through this, a roadblock occurred with permissions. They had a workaround, but it was not as secure as they would like.

While onsite, I reviewed a solution that our engineering team recommended, part of which entailed a few specialized appliances we could build for them over the next few months. Change does not have to be painful. Our team works hard to provide pain-free solutions that make things easier, and our customers tell us that they appreciate our approach.

Zerowait’s team has been solving network and data storage problems for over three decades. Based on our experience working with organizations like ours, we will listen to your concerns and provide you with the best options.

If you would like to meet for a conference call, in person meeting or a lunch meeting please contact us using the information below.

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Email us at


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